How much does it cost?
R400 ≈ $20 per month, in South African Rands (ZAR)

What subscription methods are offered?
  • Monthly (R400 ≈ $20 billed every 1 month)
  • Bitcoin payment: 38owg6vxmwpRk14hyfsKQJCu7e2vY5F7P8 (once paid) email with the information.

  • How do I purchase it?
    You can purchase it from the above link, you will be emailed with a download link and serial number
    usually within 5 minutes (email winifix@gmail.com if you don't)

    How does it work
    It is a pixel based detection rotation bot that will take actions based on colors on the "trigger pixels" you define. It works in conjunction with rotation priority addons (such as HeroRotations, Hekili, TMW, etc...) and hence only supports the specs and classes they do, which is usually all DPS and Tanks

    When was the last banwave?
    None to date [Last update 2019.09.13], but as always dont bot on an account you not willing to lose.

    Ensure you have the latest java runtime from here
    Run the jar file by double clicking it - you will now be presented with the login screen below.

    On startup
    You will need to enter in your serial no as below

    Main application window

    File -> New to make a new rotation for your current spec and class - name it logically, like 'RogueAssasin', and not just 'Rogue'. Press "Ctrl" over icon generated by your rotation addon of choice (some mentioned above) and then "Setup" button, and "Add" once done. Setup logic is similar to this setup guide

    Once you have added all the spells you want to then click "Start" or "Alt + X". It is always a good idea to press "Start" after adding your first spell so you can see that it works as expected

    Setup window - for adding spells